3 research outputs found

    SoilSCAPE: A unified web portal for soil moisture

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    <p>Soil moisture imposes a strong constraint on the transpiration and carbon fixation of vegetation and the loss of terrestrial carbon through soil respiration. However, despite its importance in regulating ecosystem fluxes, sources of high-quality and high spatial and temporal resolution soil moisture estimates are rare. The SoilSCAPE unified soil moisture portal brings together data from a wireless sensor network of over 150 sensor nodes and harmonizes this high-resolution soil moisture data with a variety of related data to address key science questions of the NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Tier 1 and the Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (AirMOSS) Earth Venture-1 missions.</p> <p>One primary goal of the AirMOSS mission is to use soil moisture data to reduce the uncertainty in the estimates of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) for North America. To understand the controls on NEE and their dependence on vegetation phenology and other landscape factors, the localized SoilSCAPE sensor data must be linked to remotely-sensed data from AirMOSS and tower-based AmeriFlux observations, as well as quantitative information on landscape attributes. The SoilSCAPE unified soil moisture portal aims to solve a significant information system challenge by seamlessly integrating and visualizing heterogeneous data (i.e. size of data granules, sensing volumes, spatial resolution, temporal refresh rate, etc.) and metadata and making them accessible to the user community through a single interface.</p

    Assessment of Biases in MODIS Surface Reflectance Due to Lambertian Approximation

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    Using MODIS data and the AERONET-based Surface Reflectance Validation Network (ASRVN), this work studies errors of MODIS atmospheric correction caused by the Lambertian approximation. On one hand, this approximation greatly simplifies the radiative transfer model, reduces the size of the look-up tables, and makes operational algorithm faster. On the other hand, uncompensated atmospheric scattering caused by Lambertian model systematically biases the results. For example, for a typical bowl-shaped bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF), the derived reflectance is underestimated at high solar or view zenith angles, where BRDF is high, and is overestimated at low zenith angles where BRDF is low. The magnitude of biases grows with the amount of scattering in the atmosphere, i.e., at shorter wavelengths and at higher aerosol concentration. The slope of regression of Lambertian surface reflectance vs. ASRVN bidirectional reflectance factor (BRF) is about 0.85 in the red and 0.6 in the green bands. This error propagates into the MODIS BRDF/albedo algorithm, slightly reducing the magnitude of overall reflectance and anisotropy of BRDF. This results in a small negative bias of spectral surface albedo. An assessment for the GSFC (Greenbelt, USA) validation site shows the albedo reduction by 0.004 in the near infrared, 0.005 in the red, and 0.008 in the green MODIS bands